Sugru Tips

Some tips from a booklet that came with my packet of Sugru. I was hoping this would be online, so I could just throw the booklet out (the suggestion that you clean you hands by wiping them with tissue paper is excellent—water and soap is surprisingly and frustratingly ineffective), but it’s not, and so I’m typing it out here…

Master Your Craft

  • mix sugru to create great new colours
  • or just marble two colours for a funky effect
  • if you don’t want sugru to stick, use soapy water (it’s a release agent)
  • to remove sugru, carve most of it off with a sharp knife, then remove the rest with your finger nail and a tissue
  • carve sugru for a super sharp finish (use a scalpel when it is cured / semi-cured)
  • add texture, it feels lovely and looks awesome
  • if you want a super smooth surface—use soapy water and rub gently
  • build up your hack—sugru sticks to sugru
  • blend—add a bit of something special—wool, glitter, sand…

In case you didn’t know…

  • the best way to clean your hands during / after using sugru is to wipe them with tissue paper
  • sugru cures faster at room temp (21°C)